  • Regulatory information

Internet Flash - Changes to the Fund SEXTANT PME

Amiral Gestion has decided to make the following amendments to the SEXTANT PME Mutual Fund prospectus (hereinafter, the “UCITS”), namely:

Amiral Gestions efforts to seek « labels » for its range of Sextant funds resulted in Sextant PME obtaining the French governments SRI Label last October. Having been one of the first funds to be awarded the « France Relance » label in Autumn 2020, Sextant PME embodies Amiral Gestion`s policy of bringing Socially Responsible Investment to European small- and medium-sized companies. In this segment, the natural proximity of our fund managers to company management teams makes shareholder commitment particularly relevant.

Since January 2014, Sextant PME has implemented a strategy of picking European small and mid-cap stocks and supporting and sustaining selected companies in their efforts to foster long-term growth and value creation. The management team has developed a fundamental and responsible approach to stock picking, whose sustainability relies on the exclusion of the poorest-performing companies in terms of ESG , while supporting those which demonstrate an ability and a willingness to take a « best-effort » approach. This support takes the form of a constructive dialogue with companies to encourage them to raise transparency on the one hand and to improve practices on the other hand, with the ultimate goal of having greater control over their impact in terms of sustainable development. The fund has notably committed to outperforming its universe in terms of two quality indicators of carbon intensity, and to progress in terms of promoting equal rights for men and women.

With this label, Sextant PME joined the ranks of an elite group of PEA/PME funds that has been awarded the French government SRI label.

Against this backdrop, we have decided to complete the « management objective » and to alter the chapter « Investment strategy and management policy » in the fund`s prospectus. The appendix in the document attached contains a comparison of the new and old definitions of the universe of eligible securities.

The alterations to the fund`s prospectus take effect from the asset valuation of 1th December 2021.

Factors for investors to bear in mind

These changes do not require any action on your part.

Fundholders are reminded of the necessity and importance of taking note of The Key Investor Information Document (KIID). The KIID and the Fund Prospectus are available at the registered office of the Management Company, Amiral Gestion, and on its website Amiral Gestion.

You can also obtain the full prospectus for your fund in eight business days upon written request to Amiral Gestion, 103 rue de Grenelle – 75007 PARIS.

For more information about the management of the UCIT, please contact Benjamin Biard at +33 1 47 20 78 18 or

We encourage you to contact your regular advisor for any information you may need regarding your investments.